
TW BECKS Security Meeup #6



Beer is beautiful, hacks is amazing, BECKS is gold. BECKS是Beer與Hacks兩個字所組成,BECKS主要目的就是提供一個定期的聚會,讓資訊安全研究者可以分享研究心得並與各領域的專家進行討論,同時我們也會邀請國外的安全研究者參加這個聚會,讓不同領域以及不同區域間的安全研究者可以透過這個聚會做更多的交流。






1. 進入會場前請配合體溫量測,額溫若超過37.5度謝絕入場

2. 進入會場前、活動參與時,除進食外需全程配戴口罩

3. 提供乾洗手供聽眾使用

4. 活動時間、議程與活動人數縮減,但仍維持大場地以盡可能在適當座位間距的情況下,讓聽眾清楚的看到投影字幕

5. 餐點採個人式餐盒


【主辦單位/ Host】

LINE / GrayLab


【活動地點/ Place】



【活動時間/ Date】

2020 年 06 月 17 日 (三) 19:00~21:30 (18:30開放入場)


【活動時間表/ Schedule】

  • 18:30-19:00 Registration
  • 19:00-19:10 Opening 
  • 19:10-19:50 (TW) The Silence of Incident Responders in Taiwan The realities , the difficulties and the future - Jack Chou/ISSDU Senior Technical Consultant
  • 19:50-20:00 Break Time
  • 20:00-20:40 (TW) Operation ENDTRADE: TICK’s Multi-Stage Backdoors for Attacking Industries and Stealing Classified Data - Joey Chen/Trend Micro Sr. Security Engineer
  • 20:40-21:30 Q&A / Free time



*因座位有限,僅報名成功者具入場資格,並需憑報名成功之 QR code 條碼入場。

*報名成功後將會在5分鐘內收到系統發出的「成功訂購通知」信件,內含報到需出示之 QR code,請留意您的 email 信件。



  • (TW) The Silence of Incident Responders in Taiwan The realities , the difficulties and the future - Jack Chou/ISSDU Senior Technical Consultant

Jack Chou is currently working as a senior technical consultant in the ISSDU Corp, and assists enterprises in Threat Hunting and Incident Response through his own experience. In the past, he assisted investigation in Taiwan Government Cybercrime Investigation Department and the invasion of Cyber espionage.

After returning to private enterprises, he assisted enterprises in the establishment of APT protection and security incident handling. They often shared recent hacker attack trends at the Borg Corporate Security Reading Club And IR experience.

  • (TW) Operation ENDTRADE: TICK’s Multi-Stage Backdoors for Attacking Industries and Stealing Classified Data - Joey Chen/Trend Micro Sr. Security Engineer

Joey Chen is working as a Cyber Threat Researcher for Trend Micro. His major areas of research include incident response, APT investigation, malware analysis and cryptography analysis. He not only has been a frequent speaker and received the 2018 Trend Micro Training Ambassador & Trainer prize. Now he is focusing on the security issues of target attacks, emerge threats, and IOT systems.

Avenue / 台北市大安區安和路二段92號B1F


チケット種別 販売期間 価格

2020/05/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2020/06/17 18:30(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料

~ 2020/06/17 18:30(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料